Metal Plate Net Corrugated structured Packing

2024-12-23 15:17:11

Product Description

Metal plate-net corrugated packing is made by punching numerous diamond-shaped small holes into a thin metal plate, which is then drawn to the required specifications. This method simplifies the traditional process of wire drawing and mesh weaving.


Outstanding wetting ability.

Excellent separation efficiency.

Low resistance with uniform gas and liquid distribution.

High efficiency with large flow capacity and minimal magnifying effects.


1. High Capacity: New tower designs can reduce the diameter, and retrofitting older towers can significantly increase capacity.

2. Superior Separation Efficiency: Offers a larger specific surface area compared to random packings.

3. Low Pressure Drop: This results in significant energy savings by minimizing pressure losses.

4. Great Flexibility: The packing exhibits large flexibility with no significant scale effect.

5. Universal Application: Suitable for all tower diameters.

6. Strong Resistance to Corrosion: Especially resistant to acid, alkali, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and naphthenic acid corrosion.


This packing is commonly used in applications requiring the separation of heat-sensitive materials, as well as in atmospheric distillation, vacuum distillation, and absorption processes.

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